
We have custom-label coffee available through Eurasia Coffee and Tea. Their coffee is delicious, or so people tell us, since we are not coffee drinkers!! We receive part of the proceeds of every 12 ounce bag of coffee that is sold (whether online or in person) and the coffee bags provide you with a regular reminder to pray for us!

Eurasia Café sells only fair trade products and works with the coffee (and tea) growers to improve their growing techniques and to make sure they get a fair price for their coffee. They also do what they can to provide income for other low-income farmers (such as using coconut coir for packing in partial boxes). Any money they make goes into Kingdom causes as well!

The coffee is available from the website in Whole Bean, Ground, Espresso, and French Press. We only carry Whole Bean (except in Decaf) and Ground while traveling in America.

Thanks for your help! Click here to go to the Eurasia Café website to order our custom label coffee.